Angel Wars Wiki

This is the third episode in the original Angel Wars movie. It starts with a previously on angel wars which shows Michael leaving The Seven.


Episode 3 DVD case


Michael goes to search for Arianna but first he must pay a visit to the fallen


Angel wars, Guardian force, Episode 3 part 1

Part 1

angel Jaza. Jaza tells Michael of Morg's whereabouts and Michael and the other angels head to the Valkawa Underworld. Meanwhile, Morg infested


Angel wars, Guardian force, Episode 3 part 2

Part 2

with the Foundation Stone's powers captures the the Valkawa underworld by eating Krak the Demon Jester and all the squealor demons. Morg then prepares to eat Arianna but Paladin smacks Morg with his Fly-Cycle and rescues Arianna. Morg then starts attacking the angels in battle. As the battle rages, Eli sits in The Seven's turret with Que. Unfortunately, Morg throws a scrap of the underworld which knocks out the Seven's engine. Eli and Que then work together to fix the engine. Kira then starts up the Seven's engine which almost sucks up Que. Michael then gives Swift to use the Merk-7's Energy Cannon to destroy the Nethercell on top of Morg. Michael then goes inside the stone-infested demon and finds Morg as he looked when he was still an angel. Michael and Morg then have an epic clash but


Angel wars, Guardian force, Episode 3 part 3

Part 3

eventually Michael throws Morg against the chamber that holds the stone. Michael then smashes the chamber and takes the stone. Morg's beast falls to the ground. Swift while trying to destroy the pillars is chased by Viral Swarmers fortunately however, these are destroyed by Paladin and Arianna. Morg then instead of repenting holds on to his pride and commits suicide. Swift then destroys the last pillar holding the underworld and the chamber crashes on top of Morg. Michael then gives the Foundation Stone to Arianna.


Angel wars, Guardian Force, Episode 3 part 4 (final)

Part 4

